Presentations (slides, Video) and Abstract are available to GBCC Sign-up members.
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GBCC Resources
GBCC Resources is a digital library from the Global Breast Cancer Conference (GBCC).
We hope that the recordings of the GBCC will not only help you further increase global awareness of breast cancer, but also enhance understanding of the disease and its medical treatments, and improve the quality of life for breast cancer patients.
* GBCC 2024: Sessions On-Demand, presentation slides, and abstracts will be exclusively available to registered participants of GBCC 2024 who have completed their email authentication.
* Past Conference: Sessions On-Demand, presentation slides, and abstracts for past conferences will be available to those registered on the GBCC website.
* Uploaded presentation materials and video records of presentations are under the copyright transfer agreement.

Global Breast Cancer Conference Secretariat

Partner I INTERCOM Convention Services, Inc. (Core PCO)