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Abstract Award Winners

1) KBCF International Scholarship
No. Author Affiliation Country
1 Asdi Wihandono Airlangga Univ. Hospital Indonesia
2 Asha Reddy Tata Memorial Center India
3 Chun-Yu Liu Taipei Veterans General Hospital Taiwan
4 Hannah Lois Kangleon-Tan Korea Univ. Anam Hospital Philippines
5 Mitsuo Terada Nagoya City Univ. Japan
6 Nhung Van National Cancer Center Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy Viet Nam
7 Yolanda Ho Yan Chan Kwong Wah Hospital Hong Kong
8 Yoon Pin Lim National Univ. of Singapore Singapore
9 Zhao Bi Shandong Cancer Hospital & Institute China
2) Young Investigator Award
No. Author Affiliation Country
1 Jai Min Ryu Samsung Medical Center Korea
2 Jee Ye Kim Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine Korea
3 Kaori Terata Akita Univ. Hospital Japan
4 Nalee Kim Samsung Medical Center Korea
3) Best Presentation Award
No. Author Affiliation Country
1 Koung Jin Suh Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hospital Korea
2 Min Hwan Kim Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine Korea
3 Yeon-Joo Kim National Cancer Center Korea
4 Yong Wha Moon CHA Bundang Medical Center Korea
5 Yuk-Kwan Chang Queen Mary Hospital Hong Kong
4) Best Poster Award
No. Author Affiliation Country
1 Soojeong Choi ASAN Medical Center Korea
5) Good Poster Award
No. Author Affiliation Country
1 Eun Young Kim Kangbuk Samsung Hospital Korea
2 Gerard Umanzor Liga Contra El Cancer Honduras
3 Hae Jin Park Hanyang Univ. College of Medicine Korea
4 Jae Sik Kim Seoul National Univ. Hospital Korea
5 Ju Won Kim Korea Univ. Anam Hospital Korea
6 Kyubo Kim Ewha Womans Univ. Mokdong Hospital Korea
7 Mikael Hartman National Univ. of Singapore Singapore
8 Sae Byul Lee ASAN Medical Center Korea
9 Zhen-Yu Wu Shanghai East Hospital, Tongji Univ. School of Medicine China
10 Zisun Kim Soonchunhyang Univ. Hospital Bucheon Korea

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