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Day 1, Oct 11 (Thu) Day 2, Oct 12 (Fri) Day 3, Oct 13 (Sat)
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [Opening Keynote-1] Historical Perspectives, Progress and Trends
    Lassale D. Leffall (Susan G. Komen for the Cure, U.S.A.)
  • [Opening Keynote-2] The Role of NGOs to Help Conquer Breast Cancer
    Avi Barbasch (American Cancer Society, U.S.A.)
  • Panel 1: 
    Breast Cancer in Asian and Western Countries; Is It a Different Disease?  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [P1-1] Clinical Characteristics and Survival Analysis of Korean Breast Cancer Patients
    Il-Sung Chang (Chungnam National Univ. Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • [P1-2] Breast Cancer as a Public Health Problem
    Hee-Soon Juon (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [P1-3] Is It Breast Cancer a Different Disease in Asian Women?
    Jorge Otero (GlaxoSmithKline, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • Panel 2: 
    Prevention of Breast Cancer  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [P2-1] Translating Genetics to Cancer Prevention
    Junichi Kurebayashi (Kawasaki Medical School, Japan)Abstract
  • [P2-2] Preventive Choices for High Risk Women Based on Gene-environment Interaction of Breast Cancer
    Daehee Kang (Seoul National Univ. College of Medicine, Korea)Abstract
  • [P2-3] Novel and Intraductal Approaches to Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer
    Sara Sukumar (The Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [P2-4] Promotion of Mammography: What Can Be Learned from the U.S. Experience?
    Helen Meissner (National Cancer Institute, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • Symposium 1: 
    Current Issues for Breast Cancer Treatment I  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [S1-1] Strategies for the Use of Adjuvant Aromatase Inhibitors
    Walter Jonat (Univ. Hospital Schleswig-Halstein, Germany)Abstract
  • [S1-2] Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy for Premenopausal Women: The Need of Multinational Trial in Asian Countries
    Woo Chul Noh (Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • [S1-3] Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy for Breast Cancer
    Louis Chow (Organization for Oncology and Translational Research Ltd, Hong Kong)Abstract
  • [S1-4] Developing Molecular Markers for Targeted Therapy
    Sun Young Rha (Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine, Korea)Abstract
  • Symposium 2: 
    Prediction, Screening, Early Detection  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall III
  • [S2-1] Prediction of Future Occurrence and Probability of Developing Breast Cancer Over Lifespan in Korean Women
    Sue Kyung Park (Seoul Nat'l Univ. College of Medicine, Korea)Abstract
  • [S2-2] The Current Status of Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatments in China
    Zhiming Shao (Fudan Univ. Cancer Hospital, China)Abstract
  • [S2-3] Assessing the Economic Burden of Breast Cancer in a National Cancer Center Managed Care Patients
    Eun Sook Lee (National Cancer Center, Korea)Abstract
  • [S2-4] Genetic Counseling and Its Implication for Breast Cancer Prevention
    L Erby, D Roter (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • Symposium 3: 
    Cancer Surveillance and Education  
  • Venue:  
    Grand Hall II & III
  • [S3-1] How to Use Surveillance Data for Cancer Research
    Ann Klassen (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [S3-2] Experience of Online Registration of Breast Cancer in Korea
    Sei-Hyun Ahn (ASAN Medical Center, Korea)Abstract
  • [S3-3] Use of Community Based Participatory Research in Breast Cancer Prevention and Control
    Janice Bowie (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [S3-4] Empowerment and Participatory-based Education Materials
    Juhee Cho (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S.A.)Abstract

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Global Breast Cancer Conference Secretariat

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