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Day 1, Oct 11 (Thu) Day 2, Oct 12 (Fri) Day 3, Oct 13 (Sat)
  • Panel 5: 
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [P5-1] Partnerships for Cancer Control and Prevention: The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center and the State of Maryland
    Norma Kanarek (Cigarette Restitution Fund Program at JHMI, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [P5-2] Clinicians' Point of View
    Kwang-Man Lee (Wonkwang Univ., Korea)Abstract
  • [P5-3] Advocates' Point of View
    Katherine Kim (Grand Valley State Univ., U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [P5-4] Patients’ Point of View - Patient Focused Care - Who Is the Most Important Health Care Provider to the Patient?
    Lillie Shockney (The Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [P5-5] Sector-wide Approaches in National Cancer Control Program in Korea
    Jong Koo Lee (Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Korea)Abstract
  • Symposium 10: 
    Current Issues for Breast Cancer Treatment IV  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [S10-1] Internal Mammary Lymph Nodes Irradiation in Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer
    Chang-Ok Suh (Yonsei Univ., Korea)Abstract
  • [S10-2] Multidisciplinary Care for Breast Cancer
    Shinji Ohno (National Kyushu Cancer Center, Japan)Abstract
  • [S10-3] Bisphosphonate Therapy for Breast Cancer with Bone Metastasis
    Chanheun Park (Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • [S10-4] Brain Matastasis and HER-2 in Breast Cancer Patients
    Kimberly L. Blackwell (Duke Univ. Medical Center, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • Symposium 11: 
    Complementary Medicine & Breast Cancer  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall III
  • [S11-1] Breast Cancer and Diet
    Nam-Sun Paik (Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • [S11-2] Traditional Chinese Medicine for Breast Cancer Treatment
    Luming Liu (Fudan Cancer Hospital, China)Abstract
  • [S11-3] Phytoestrogen and Breast Cancer
    Jung-Han Yoon (Chonnam National Univ, Hwasun Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • [S11-4] Complementary Medicine & Breast Cancer in Malaysia
    Cheng-har Yip (Univ. Malaya, Malaysia)Abstract
  • Symposium 12: 
    Researches behind Treatment  
  • Venue:  
    Grand Hall II & III
  • [S12-1] Proteomic Approach to Discover Biomarkers in Breast Cancer
    Dong-Young Noh (Seoul National Univ. Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • [S12-2] Gene Expression Profiling Results in Improved Classification of Breast Cancer
    Marc Van de Vijver (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Netherlands)Abstract
  • [S12-3] Genetic Polymorphisms of Estrogen Metabolizing Genes as Susceptibility and/or Prognostic Factors for Breast Cancer in Taiwan
    Chiun Sheng Huang (National Taiwan Univ. Hospital, Taiwan)Abstract
  • [S12-4] Tumor-stromal Interactions in Breast Cancer Metastasis
    Janet E. Price (MD Anderson Cancer Center, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • Survival Session: 
    Empower Yourself  
  • Venue:  
    Mugunghwa Hall
  • [SV-1] Positive Outlook; Living with Cancer - Preparing for Life after Breast Cancer Treatment - The Value of Survivor Retreats
    Lillie Shockney (The Kimmel Cancer Centerat Johns Hopkins, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [SV-2] Advocacy & Communication
    Ranjit Kaur (Breast Cancer Welfare Association, Malaysia)Abstract
  • [SV-3] Sharing Breast Cancer Experience
    Wae Ryun Kim (Korea Breast Cancer Patients Society, Korea)Abstract
  • [SV-4] Survivor’s Activities in Japan
    Takako Watt (Breast Cancer Network Japan, Japan)Abstract
  • [SV-5] Overcoming Fear of Recurrence
    Laura Tsai (Taichung Kaihuai Association, Taiwan)Abstract
  • Closing Ceremony
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [Closing Keynote-1] Breast Cancer Epidemiology and National Cancer Control Strategy in Korea
    Keun-Young Yoo (National Cancer Center, Korea)
  • Post-education Session II
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall III
  • [PEII -1] Current Studies and Future Research Directions
    Marylin Dodd (Univ. of California School of Nursing, U.S.A.)
  • [PE II-2] Cancer Educational Program for Korean American Women
    Hee Soon Juon (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S.A.)
  • [PEII-3] Stress, Coping, and Cancer
    Kyum Koo Chon (Univ. of Utah, U.S.A.)
  • [PEII-4] Effects of Aerobic Dance Using Flex-band on the Physical Functions & Body Image Mastectomy Women Undergoing Radiotherapy
    Hangsook So (Chonnam National Univ., Korea)
  • [PEII-5] Breast Cancer Surgery in Johns Hopkins Hospital
    Lillie Shockney (The Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, U.S.A.)
  • [PEII-6] Improving Quality of Life for Women with Breast Cancer
    Mison Chun (Ajou Hospital, Korea)
  • Post-education Session I
  • Venue:  
    Grand Hall II & III
  • [PEI-1] What Is Required from Bench to Bedside
    Hanlim Moon (Glaxo Smith Kline, Singapore)
  • [PE1-2] Promises and Pitfalls of Neoadjuvant Trials for Breast Cancer
    Soonmyung Paik (NSABP Foundation, U.S.A.)
  • [PE1-3] Linking Patients to Research: How Can We Conduct Safe and Efficient Trial?
    Jo Anne Zujewski (National CancerInstitute, U.S.A.)

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