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Day 1, Oct 11 (Thu) Day 2, Oct 12 (Fri) Day 3, Oct 13 (Sat)
  • Panel 3: 
    Breaking News in Breast Cancer Treatment  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [P3-1] Surgical Treatment: Controversies and Challenges in Surgical Treatment for Early Breast Cancer
    Min-Hyuk Lee (Soonchunhyang Univ. Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • [P3-2] Adjuvant Clinical Trials Overview; Optimizing Chemo/Endocrine Therapy to Individualized Patients
    Soonmyung Paik (NSABP Foundation, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [P3-3] Breaking News about On-going Clinical Trials
    Jo Anne Zujewski (National Cancer Institute, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • Symposium 4: 
    Current Issues for Breast Cancer Treatment II  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [S4-1] Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Operable Breast Cancer
    Jung Sil Ro (National Cancer Center, Korea)Abstract
  • [S4-2] Adjuvant Trastuzumab; Timing, Duration, Management of Toxicity
    Arlene Chan (Royal Perth Hospital, Australia)Abstract
  • [S4-3] Update on Systemic Therapy for Women with Metastatic Disease
    Young-Hyuck Im (Samsung Medical Center, Korea)Abstract
  • [S4-4] Emerging Targeted Agents for Breast Cancer Treatment
    Seock-Ah Im (Seoul National Univ. Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • Symposium 5: 
    Specific Issues Related to Treatment  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall III
  • [S5-1] Micrometastasis in SLN; Clinical and Pathological Significance
    Woo-Hee Jung (Yonsei Univ. College of Medicine, Korea)Abstract
  • [S5-2] Biological Evaluation and Strategy for Triple Negative Breast Cancer
    Reiki Nishimura (Kumamoto City Hospital, Japan)Abstract
  • [S5-3] HER-2 Standardization Program in Korea
    Kyeongmee Park (Inje Univ. Sanggye Paik Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • [S5-4] Third Generation Adjuvant Chemotherapy - Increasing Efficacy, Minimising Toxicity
    Bogda Koczwara (Flinders Medical Centre, Australia)Abstract
  • Symposium 6: 
    Breast Imaging  
  • Venue:  
    Grand Hall II & III
  • [S6-1] Mammography and Ultrasound Findings of Breast Cancer
    Aysegul Ozdemir (Gazi Univ. Hospital, Turkey)Abstract
  • [S6-2] Roles of MRI in Breast Cancer Treatment and Research
    Eun Suk Cha (The Catholic Univ. of Korea, Korea)Abstract
  • [S6-3] Roles of PET/PET‐CT in Breast Cancer Treatment and Research
    Mijin Yun (Yonsei Univ. Severance Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • [S6-4] Monitoring of Cell Therapy with MR Imaging
    Woo Kyung Moon (Seoul National Univ. Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • Panel 4: 
    Quality of Life Issues for Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [P4-1] How and Why Patient-oncologist Communication Matters in Breast Cancer
    Debra Roter (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [P4-2] Needs of Korean Women with Breast Cancer and Their Quality of Life
    Myungsun Yi (Seoul National Univ. College of Nursing, Korea)Abstract
  • [P4-3] Emotional Well-being for People with Breast Cancer
    Kyum Koo Chon (Univ. of Utah, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • Symposium 7: 
    Current Issues for Breast Cancer Treatment III  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall I & II
  • [S7-1] SLN Biopsy Technique; Is There the Best One?
    Mehra Golshan (Brigham and Women's Hospital, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [S7-2] The Current Status of SLN Biopsy of Breast Cancer in China
    Yong-Sheng Wang (Shandong Cancer Hospital & Institute, China)Abstract
  • [S7-3] Safety Margins for Lumpectomy; How Close Is Too Close?
    Soo-Jung Lee (Yeungnam Univ., Korea)Abstract
  • [S7-4] Breast Conserving Treatment in Japan: Long-term Follow-up Results and Issues to Be Addressed
    Hideo Inaji (Osaka Medical Center for Cancer & Cardiovascular Diseases, Japan)Abstract
  • Symposium 8: 
    Supportive Care of Breast Cancer  
  • Venue:  
    Grand Hall II & III
  • [S8-1] Measurement of HRQOL in Korean Breast Cancer Patients
    Eun-Hyun Lee (Ajou Univ., Korea)Abstract
  • [S8-2] The Meaning of Prayer in Patient with Breast Cancer
    Won-hee Lee (Yonsei Univ., Korea)Abstract
  • [S8-3] Subgroups of Women with Breast Cancer with Different Symptom Experiences and Outcomes: A Cluster Analysis
    Marylin Dodd (Univ. of California School of Nursing, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [S8-4] Coping of Chinese Women with Breast Cancer
    Shirley Siu-yin Ching (The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong)Abstract
  • Symposium 9: 
    Clinical Trials  
  • Venue:  
    Vista Hall III
  • [S9-1] Multicenter Clinical Trials in Korea
    Sehwan Han (Inje Univ. Sanggye Paik Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • [S9-2] Multicenter Clinical Trials in Japan
    Masakazu Toi (Kyoto Univ., Japan)Abstract
  • [S9-3] On-going Clinical in NSABP
    Soonmyung Paik (NSABP Foundation, U.S.A.)Abstract
  • [S9-4] Current and Future Direction for Clinical Trials in Breast Cancer
    Kimberly L. Blackwell (Duke Univ. Medical Center, U.S.A.)Abstract

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