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GBCC 2022
Virtual Running Challenge
Virtual Running Challenge icon
  • Naomi Sakurai
  • 2021-03-28 14:32
  • running aroud the Imperial Palace
  • icon
    Physical Activity
  • icon
    Naomi Sakurai Contribution
    298 / 10,000 km
  • Naomi Sakurai
    Thanks a lot!
    2021-03-30 22:10
  • Sam Park
    Push it to the limits!
    2021-03-30 16:43
  • Hee Jeong Kim
    GBCC T really well matched with you
    2021-03-30 09:11
  • Sujin Lee
    Nice GBCC 10 T-shirt :)
    2021-04-02 13:25
  • Soobeen Kim
    I like your picture!
    2021-04-02 20:57
  • Sungjin Kim
    keep up your good work!
    2021-04-03 13:58
like 8

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Global Breast Cancer Conference Secretariat

Partner I INTERCOM Convention Services, Inc. (Core PCO)