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Day 1, Apr 28 (Thu) Day 2, Apr 29 (Fri) Day 3, Apr 30 (Sat)
  • GBCC-SSO Joint Session
    Venue: RM 3(Walker Hall 1)
  • Clinical Trials of Breast Cancer Surgery in Korea & Introduction to KBCSG
    Han-Byoel Lee 
    (Seoul National Univ. Hospital, Korea)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Trials in Breast Cancer Lead by Surgical Oncologists in the US & Introduction to SSO
    Jennifer Plichta 
    (Duke Univ. Medical Center, U.S.A.)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Satellite Symposium 2: 
    Venue: RM 1(Vista 1+2)
  • The Evolving Landscape of HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer Treatment
    Aditya Bardia 
    (Massachusetts General Hospital, U.S.A.)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Plenary Lecture 3
    Venue: RM 1(Vista 1+2)
  • Defining Today’s Surgical Standards of Care in Patients with Breast Cancer
    Walter Paul Weber 
    (Univ. Hospital Basel, Switzerland)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Symposium 3: 
    Translational Approach through Cancer Genomics and Biology  
    Venue: RM 1(Vista 1+2)
  • Genomic Amplification Linked to Therapeutic Resistance in Breast Cancer
    Jeong-Yeon Lee 
    (Hanyang Univ. College of Medicine, Korea)
  • Immune Biomarker and Ecosystem in Breast Cancer
    Alex Swarbrick 
    (Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Genomics Related to Treatment After CDK4/6 Inhibitors in Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer
    Rinath Jeselsohn 
    (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, U.S.A.)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Panel Discussion 5: 
    Obesity, Life Style Modification, and Exercise  
    Venue: RM 2(Vista 3)
  • The Role of Weight Loss and Metformin in the Adjuvant Treatment of Breast Cancer
    Pamela Goodwin 
    (Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute at Sinai Health System, Univ. of Toronto, Canada)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Life Style Modification of Breast Cancer Survivors
    Hyun Jo Youn 
    (Jeonbuk National Univ. Hospital, Korea)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Physical Activity Intervention in Women with Breast Cancer
    Justin Y. Jeon 
    (Yonsei Cancer Center, Korea)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Education Session 5: 
    Update in the Management of Adverse Events  
    Venue: RM 3(Walker Hall 1)
  • Management of Cardiotoxicity of Breast Cancer
    Woo-Baek Chung 
    (Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Korea)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Management of AIMSS (Aromatase-inhibitor-associated Musculoskeletal Syndrome)
    Eun Joo Yang 
    (Daerim St. Mary's Hospital, Korea)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Management of Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV)
    Toshiaki Saeki 
    (Saitama Medical Univ. International Medical Center, Japan)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Oral Presentation 3
    Venue: RM 4(Walker Hall 2)
  • ABCN Business Meeting (Invited Only)
    Venue: RM 5(Art Hall)
  • Legacy of GBCC: Beyond Asia Towards the World, New Era of GBCC
    Joon Jeong 
    (Gangnam Severance Hospital, Korea)
  • Sharing Wisdom, Sharing Strength - Mentorship and International Collaboration
    Philip Poortmans 
    (Iridium Netwerk & Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium)
  • Knowledge, Attitude, Practice Behaviors and Barriers for Fertility Preservation 
    Heejeong Kim 
    (ASAN Medical Center, Korea)
  • Plenary Lecture 4
    Venue: RM 1(Vista 1+2)
  • Optimising Radiation Therapy in Early Stage Breast Cancer
    Philip Poortmans 
    (Iridium Netwerk & Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Satellite Symposium 3: 
    Roche Korea  
    Venue: RM 1(Vista 1+2)
  • Transforming the Treatment Journey for HER2+ Breast Cancer Patients
    Joyce O'Shaughnessy 
    (Baylor Univ. Medical Center, U.S.A.)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Plenary Lecture 5
    Venue: RM 1(Vista 1+2)
  • Presurgical Window Studies for Drug Development, Studies of Resistance and Patient Management
    Mitch Dowsett 
    (Royal Marsden Hospital, UK)
  • Symposium 4: 
    Immunotherapy in Breast Cancer  
    Venue: RM 1(Vista 1+2)
  • Current Status of Immunotherapy: Where are We?
    Hiroji Iwata 
    (Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, Japan)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Biomarker for Immunotherapy: What is the Best?
    Peter Schmid 
    (Bart's Cancer Institute, UK)
  • Challenge for Immunotherapy in Breast Cancer: Hot or Cold
    Sherene Loi 
    (Univ. of Melbourne, Australia)
    Video View
  • Panel Discussion 6: 
    Updates of Combined Management for Metastatic Breast Cancer  
    Venue: RM 2(Vista 3)
  • Timing of Breast Surgery in Metastatic Breast Cancer: Is It Really Necessary to Perform Palliative Mastectomy?
    Sung Gwe Ahn 
    (Gangnam Severance Hospital, Korea)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Current Status of Locoregional Therapy in ER+/HER2- Oligometastatic Breast Cancer
    Takayuki Ueno 
    (The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR, Japan)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Role of Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy in Oligometastatic Breast Cancer
    Steven J. Chmura 
    (Univ. of Chicago, U.S.A.)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Education Session 6: 
    Psychologic Problem Management  
    Venue: RM 3(Walker Hall 1)
  • Oral Presentation 4
    Venue: RM 4(Walker Hall 2)
  • Nursing Session 1 (Korean): 
    Challenges of Nursing Care Beyond a Pandemic  
    Venue: RM 5(Art Hall)
  • The Education for Breast Cancer Patients During Covid Pandemic
    Jiyoung Choi 
    (Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hospital, Korea)
    Slide ViewAbstract
  • Supportive Care Post Pandemic Breast Cancer Patients
    In Jeong Cho 
    (Wonju Severance Christian Hospital, Korea)
  • Experience of Education for Breast Cancer Patients post COVID-19
    Nayeon Kim 
    (Samsung Medical Center, Korea)
    Slide ViewAbstract
  • Symposium 5: 
    Recent Updates for Surgery After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy  
    Venue: RM 1(Vista 1+2)
  • De-escalation of Axillary Surgery After NACT
    Jeong Eon Lee 
    (Samsung Medical Center, Korea)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • De-escalation of Breast Surgery After NACT
    Peter C. Dubsky 
    (Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna, Switzerland)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Can We Select Patients in Whom We Can Forego Any Axillary Treatment after up front Chemotherapy?
    Emiel Rutgers 
    (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Netherlands)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Panel Discussion 7: 
    How to Apply Multigene Panel for ER+ EBC- Asia vs. Western  
    Venue: RM 2(Vista 3)
  • Multigene Assays: What Evidence Do We Have?
    Janice Tsang 
    (The Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Is There any Difference in Multigene Assays Developed from Asian and Western Countries?
    Han-Byoel Lee 
    (Seoul National Univ. Hospital, Korea)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Practical Application of Multigene Assays in Real Clinical Setting (Asia vs. Western)
    Rebecca Dent 
    (National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore)
  • Education Session 7: 
    Tailored Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy in ER+ Breast Cancer  
    Venue: RM 3(Walker Hall 1)
  • Optimal Treatment Options for High Risk ER+ Breast Cancer
    Maria-Joao Cardoso 
    (Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Extended Endocrine Therapy, Optimal Duration and Sequence
    Sung Hoon Sim 
    (National Cancer Center, Korea)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Ovarian Suppression with/without Adjuvant Chemotherapy in High-risk Premenopausal Patients
    Shin-Cheh Chen 
    (Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract
  • Oral Presentation 5
    Venue: RM 4(Walker Hall 2)
  • Nursing Session 2 (Korean): 
    Return to Life Beyond Cure Among Young Women  
    Venue: RM 5(Art Hall)
  • Working Young Women with Breast Cancer: For a Life that Makes Me Who I Am
    Ka Ryeong Bae 
    (National Cancer Center, Korea)
    Slide ViewAbstract
  • Human Flourishing in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer
    Eunji Cho 
    (Vanderbilt Univ., Korea)
    Slide ViewAbstract
  • Fertility Preservation for Women with Breast Cancer
    Jeehee Han 
    (Chung-Ang Univ. College of Nursing, Korea)
    Slide ViewAbstract
  • Satellite Symposium 4: 
    Lilly Korea  
    Venue: RM 1(Vista 1+2)
  • Verzenio, Potent CDK4/6 Inhibitor, How to Optimize HR+/HER2- mBC Patient with CDK4/6 Inhibitors
    Tomoyuki Aruga 
    (Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Diseases Center Komagome Hospital, Japan)
    Slide ViewVideo ViewAbstract

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