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Previous Meetings (GBCC 2013)
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Day 1, Oct 10 (Thu) Day 2, Oct 11 (Fri) Day 3, Oct 12 (Sat)
  • Education Session III: 
    Advances in Supportive Care / Oncology Nursing  
  • Venue:  
    Vista III
  • Advances in Supportive Care: Clinical Update
    Soohyeon Lee (Yonsei Univ. Severance Hospital, Korea)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Advances in Oncology Nursing - Hereditary Breast Cancer: Education & Research
    Kyung Hee Lim (Keimyung Univ. College of Nursing, Korea)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Advances in Oncology Nursing - Hereditary Breast Cancer: Practice
    Bo Kyoung Ku (ASAN Medical Center, Korea)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Education Session IV: 
    Advances in Medical Oncology / Translational Research  
  • Venue:  
    MGB I
  • Advances in Medical Oncology
    Young-Hyuck Im (Samsung Medical Center, Korea)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Advances in Translational Research
    Yoon-La Choi (Samsung Medical Center, Korea)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Education Session V: 
    Advances in Surgery / Pathology  
  • Venue:  
    MGB II
  • Advances in Breast Surgery
    Ho Yong Park (Kyungpook National Univ. Hospital, Korea)Abstract
  • HER2 Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer
    So Yeon Park (Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hospital, Korea)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Education Session VI: 
    Advances in Radiology / Radiation Oncology  
  • Venue:  
    MGB II
  • Advances in Radiology
    Sung Hun Kim (Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, Korea)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Advances in Radiation Oncology
    Yong Bae Kim (Yonsei Univ. Severance Hospital, Korea)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Symposium VIII: 
    Beyond Breast Cancer: Symptomatic Supportive Management  
  • Venue:  
    Vista III
  • Understanding Dietary Issues and Modifications for Breast Cancer Survivors: Insights from Health Care Providers and Survivors
    Katherine Clegg Smith (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S.A.)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Navigating Family Issues with Breast Cancer
    Frances M. Lewis (Univ. of Washington, U.S.A.)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Post Treatment: Personal Insight, Political Potential
    Laura C. Nelson (Univ. of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Symposium IX: 
    Endocrine Therapy Resistance in Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer  
  • Venue:  
    MGB I
  • What Is the Mechanism of Hormone Resistance in Luminal Breast Cancer?
    Matthew J. Ellis (Washington Univ., U.S.A.)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Do We Need Better Adjuvant Therapy Strategy for Hormone Responsive Breast Cancer Patients?: Clinical Review, Definition of Endocrine Resistance
    Hope S. Rugo (Univ. of California San Francisco Medical Center, U.S.A.)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Plenary Lecture IV
  • Venue:  
    Vista III
  • Stress and Breast Cancer: The Effects of Stress Management Intervention on Biobehavioral Processes
    Michael H. Antoni (Univ. of Miami, U.S.A.)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Panel Session IV: 
    Together We Challenge, Together We Win!  
  • Venue:  
    Vista I+II
  • Challenges of Breast Cancer Prevention and Control
    Hee-Soon Juon (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S.A.)Slide ViewAbstract
  • Challenges of Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in 21st Century
    Soonmyung Paik (National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project(NSABP) Foundation, Inc., U.S.A.)Slide View
  • Challenges and Policy Implication Supportive Care in Korea
    Norma F. Kanarek (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S.A.)Slide ViewAbstract

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